Workplace sexual predators: A few uncomfortable truths


Workplace sexual predators: A few uncomfortable truths Workplace sexual predators: have increasingly been brought to justice in the age of the MeToo movement. However, workplace sexual harassment is still a prevalent issue that many Australian workers face. The latest figures from the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) reveal that one in three employees have experienced […]

Sexual harassment payouts see victims win big


Sexual harassment payouts see victims win big Sexual harassment payouts have increased dramatically in recent years. Not only are victims receiving higher payouts than ever, but employers are being forced to pay damages even if the sexual harassment isn’t proven in court. The courts and the various tribunals are sick and tired of employers and […]

Mental illness and sexual harassment


Mental illness and sexual harassment Mental illness According to WHO (World health organization) A mental disorder is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour.  It is usually associated with distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. Discussing Mental illness and sexual harassment and the effects it has […]

Non-disclosure agreements: How they benefit abusers


Non-disclosure agreements: How they benefit abusers Sexual harassment non-disclosure agreements:, have come under scrutiny across the globe and in Australia following the revelations of the MeToo movement. In theory, confidentiality agreements intend to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information and prevent reputational damage surrounding cases of workplace sexual harassment. However, there’s a growing concern that […]

Derogatory ideologies at the workplace and their effects on the employee

derogatory ideology and racial and cultural discrimination

We share insight into derogatory ideologies at the workplace and their effects on the employee. Offices are meant to be the most professional public sectors where employees from different cultures are welcomed to work and earn. It is a public place which is solely dependent on working at business settlements and the issues to be […]

The 8 Types of Harassment

sexual harassment is witnessed across the world and the 8 types of harassment are comon in every country

We’ve highlighted just the top 8 types of sexual harassment. From harassment due to colour, disability, age, psychological, cyber bullying and more. Learn about the signs to look out for and what you can do.

Sexual Harassment as “Sexual Power”: Workplace advice


Power is the central element on what any matter or authority is dependent. It is the power that makes someone dominant or superior to others. Power holds the value of ruling on someone, suppressing and making someone obey the commands. However, in regard to sexual harassment the culprits have taken harassment as their right which we call “sexual power”.

Sexual Harassment Case $10k for being slapped on the buttocks

Yet the abuser keeps his job … A recent sexual harassment case in Victoria has seen a female employee awarded $10,000 in damages after she was slapped on the buttocks multiple times by her manager throughout a period of only 6 months of employment. The abuser, however, ended up keeping his job. As also reported […]

What Evidence Do I Need for My Sexual Harassment Claim?

sexual harassment in the workplace

What Evidence Do I Need for My Sexual Harassment Claim? Sexual harassment, as defined under federal and state legislation, is unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances. Requests for sexual favours or conduct of a sexual nature in circumstances which a reasonable person. Having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated this behaviour to cause offense, […]